Chief Perez’s arrest today confirms what we all already knew. The national search conducted by Ganim’s administration in 2018 was a sham from the beginning. And the people of Bridgeport have had ENOUGH!

For far too long, public corruption, abuses of power, and the extraction of resources from Bridgeport have gone unchecked. People with unearned power treat Bridgeport like their personal playground – a place to steal, lie, and cheat Bridgeport residents while enriching themselves.

According to the Department of Justice, “During the course of this scheme, PEREZ – who was serving as the acting BPD chief at the time – conspired with DUNN, who is and was at that time the City’s acting personnel director, to deceive the City by secretly rigging the supposedly independent search process for a new BPD chief to ensure that PEREZ was ranked as one of the top three candidates and could therefore be awarded a five-year contract to serve as the BPD chief.”

The real question is – what else will be brought into the light? We know from public reporting that under the cover of a City Council-approved contract, Ganim’s administration has already spent over $500,000 on criminal defense attorneys for Chief Armando Perez, Personnel Director David Dunn, Ganim’s Chief of Staff, Daniel Shamas and Mayor Joe Ganim.  Who else knew this fraud was happening? Who did Dunn take orders from? What other shoe has yet to drop?

Anyone in City Hall who conspired on this scheme also must be arrested. As FBI Special Agent-in-Charge David Sundberg said:  “Today’s arrest of city officials including a high ranking, long-time law enforcement officer is a stark reminder that the betrayal of public trust and community members by a public servant is not only unethical but often illegal.”

Let this be a warning to those upholding systemic corruption in our city – your time is up! Anyone who condones corrupt behavior needs to resign. Anyone who bears witness to unethical acts and turns the other cheek needs to go. Anyone who defrauds voters and tramples on our democracy is no longer wanted. And anyone who claims “it’s all just politics” has no business serving in public office. 

We stand here united to end corruption in Bridgeport. We’re ready to rid our city from the stench that wafts from City Hall, from political operatives who rig our local elections, and from people who line their pockets with city contracts and jobs.

It’s time to Unrig Bridgeport, once and for all!