Moore On The Issues: Why Marilyn Moore Is The People’s Choice For Mayor

Bridgeport has so much potential. With new leadership and a concrete plan for our future, we can create a city that works for everyone.
Be clear. The people of Bridgeport deserve representation in the Mayor’s office, on the City Council and the Board of Education who will work on the issues residents care about. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the current occupants of city hall caring more about special interests and working for a small group of political insiders. We know Bridgeport is better than this and it’s time to move on.
That’s why over the past year, Bridgeport Generation Now Votes and our Unrig Bridgeport coalition partners have been engaging with Bridgeporters in every corner of our city, seeking out ideas for how we can help our city reach its full potential.
From this dialogue—conducted via one-on-one conversations in neighborhoods, larger community meetings, and through a citywide poll of residents—we launched the Year of Change campaign and put together the People’s Platform, a progressive vision centered around: good government, education, housing, public safety, jobs, infrastructure, environmental protection, and arts and recreation.
In May, all candidates running for Mayor in Bridgeport’s 2023 municipal elections were invited to participate in the Unrig Bridgeport endorsement process by completing a candidate questionnaire, participating in a candidate interview, and taking “The People’s Pledge” to support 80% of the policies laid out in The People’s Platform. The candidates that applied for the endorsement were Senator Marilyn Moore and John Gomes.
Senator Moore received a unanimous vote from the Unrig Bridgeport endorsement committee and the coalition made its announcement in support of her candidacy on June 3rd.
Moore’s policy platform, which is laid out on her website, aligns with the values and issues outlined in the People’s Platform. In it she offers a compelling vision and plan for moving Bridgeport forward that’s centered on “getting things done” for the people, not special interests or Bridgeport’s political machine.
To that end, Marilyn Moore is the only candidate running for Mayor with a proven record of working on behalf of the people’s interests. As a respected leader in the State Senate, she is the current Chair of Housing and Bonding and has delivered concrete results for the people of Bridgeport on education, public safety, health and human services, housing, equity and so much more.
Improving outcomes for Bridgeport’s youth is a major focus for Senator Moore. According to her website, in 2018 “she secured $775,592 in state bonding for improvements to Bridgeport public schools. In 2022 she secured another 1.8 million for improvements at Barnum School, Bassick High School, Bridgeport Military Academy, Wilbur Cross Elementary, Dunbar Elementary, Harding High School, and & Marin Elementary School.” Additionally, in 2019 she secured $1,000,000 to create the Bridgeport Youth Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and in 2022 “composed the legislation that made the Connecticut State Commission on Gun Violence and Prevention under the authority of the Department of Public Health.” That year she also secured $2.2 million in funding for 20 small Bridgeport based nonprofits that provide after school youth programs, job training and more.
A fighter for the people, Marilyn is a life-long Democrat and Bridgeport resident, who has dedicated her career to building people-power and fighting for a Bridgeport that works for everyone. Fiercely independent, she challenged Bridgeport’s “political machine” for her State Senate seat four times and won. In 2019, she challenged incumbent Joe Ganim for mayor and beat him at the polls, clearly demonstrating that she has a motivated voter base and a real path to victory. She would be the first Black person and first Black woman to be elected Mayor of Bridgeport.
It is past time for our city to get its priorities straight and elect serious people who are committed to moving Bridgeport forward with honesty, integrity and transparency. You can read more about Marilyn Moore’s vision and plan for Bridgeport on her website. Stay tuned as we announce the endorsement process for City Council and the Board of Education in the coming week.
Love Bridgeport? Read The People’s Platform, Pledge to Vote on Tues, Sept, 12th and Donate to the Year of Change HERE!